Thursday, November 12, 2009


想必很多人在驾驶上都有遇到一些让你PEK CHEK到一种地步的驾驶人士吧?



1. 马来女我不是种族或性别歧视,可是她们真的是让人PEK CHEK到一种让我无法以言语来形容我的愤怒。就以我近期还能搜索的记忆来打个比方: 在一个堵车的道路上,如果你想吃去另一条lane,当然会先signal,然后等待机会吃过去。我就打了signal后,然后看有空位就吃过去右边lane。当我要吃过去时,右边lane的马来女赶快踏进油门想不让我过,可是我已经出了一半。他看自己过不到,就开始horn我了。她奶奶的,是盲的?看不到我打signal吗?Horn个屁阿?那么喜欢horn干么不回家对着自己孩子horn饱它。真是有够dulan,当时真想reverse给她撞过去,然后告给她死。

2. Auntie – 我想这个大多的人都有遇过吧?我真不知道她们是想省油或是想确保安全,她们驾车可以慢到一种程度。20kps? 40kps? 不是吧有必要那么慢吗?在大马路上就算了,你要慢慢驾,就散到旁边去。可是如果在单行道上,您可不可以快少少,为您后面的车辆着想嘛想越过她可是反方向又有车辆,真的是欲哭无泪

3. 印度人车改装到已不知是什么车不再说,他们的signal是坏了不还是要省电?要吃过人家可以先signal吗?如果我不让是不是给我撞过去呢?想吃左就左,右就右,整条路你奶奶的?就算有signal都好,吃过来了才signal有屁用么?真的危险到极点!



Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Unexpected Guest

Today 8th of September, went movie with ImmImm they all as she has free tickets again. ^^ Of course this we have to thx to Alfred, THX ALFRED for the tix!!

The movie overall was not bad la, may be I wasn't in the mood to laugh, for some reasons(which I don't even know the reason,lol*PMS?*)...

After the movie ends, we met an unexpected guest at the entrance:梁智强,Jack Neo, one the director & actor of the movie. I guess he was there to survey the audiences' respond on the movie. ImmImm was so excite at the moment. She actually get his autograph inside the cinema already. Now since the movie is finish, Wurn plans to approach him to take a photo with him. We wait & wait & wait cause Mr John Neo was busy chatting with the crew/workers or whoever it is. There come Alfred help us bump into him & request for the photo section. N wee~All of us manage to take photo with him~ Was kinda...bit excited la,hahaa...Afterall first time take pic with celebrity mer. We also saw 黎明姨 passing trough. Actually I want to take pic with her more, but since she was like on the way back, better don't disturb the elderly 黎明姨 back home rest early. Really respect her ^^. Saw few local celeb but don't even know their names,lol...

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Life wasn't any good at all this year. Not to say is totally chaos, but still wasn't good enough. Ya' know, human demand for more, never satisfy...I'm those kind who never know when to satisfy, and this is where I loss a lot due to it.

I had a lot of good opportunity, in lots of aspect, but what I'm referring to here is relationship. I had few good person I can really be together with for very very long time. And what I have done, ending up with nothing. Hereby I have to apologize to GCH... he put his trust on me, but once again I have failed him. If weren't due to our bad temper, we could really make a perfect couple. As for LHS, really...God is like playing a hide and seek game between us, argh...

Is not like I'm saying I'm regretting of all the decision I made, after all this is the path I have choose. I bare the responsibility and make no excuse for myself.

I really do not know what I really want. I do not know what love really is. Perhaps I should really learn to appreciate before anything else. For now, perhaps what I need is a simply love, simple lifestyle, anything extra could drive me crazy...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009





